The Leadership Circle Profile™ is a true breakthrough among 360º leadership assessments. It is the first to connect a well-researched battery of leadership competencies with an individual’s underlying beliefs and habits of thought. It instantly reveals the relationship between external behaviours and the internal assumptions that drive those behaviours.
Without addressing the underlying beliefs and assumptions, efforts to change behaviours will not be sustained. The Leadership Circle Profile goes right to the source of the behaviours that need to change.
The Leadership Circle Profile is more than just an assessment. The rich theoretical underpinnings of this tool provide a pathway to transformation. It is based on leading edge leadership and adult development research and is statistically powerful.
Unlike most 360º leadership assessments which take hours to interpret, The Leadership Circle Profile integrates data in a way that brings the key issues to the surface instantly. At a glance, the whole gestalt is accessible. It immediately gets your leader in touch with what is working, what is not, and why!
Recognized as truly world-class, The Leadership Circle Profile is being used by a vast number of leading local, national and international organizations and governmental agencies.
Human Resources professionals, leaders and seasoned coaches consistently report that The Leadership Circle Profile facilitates authentic, breakthrough results.
This powerful assessment tool instantly reveals the direction the coaching needs to take. Both my client and I are able to zero in on exactly what needs to change, and we have a common language and framework. It saves us so much time and money.
Katrine Geneau, PCC, CPCC
Executive and Leadership Coach
On-line Access
The Leadership Circle Profile is completely administered over the Internet.
- Candidates fill out the Profile on themselves at their convenience and request feedback from others.
- Their assessors easily log in to provide their confidential feedback.
- Leaders have access to an interactive website for further information about how to interpret the results of the Profile.
Support Materials
The feedback reports are received in a handsome binder which includes:
- The Profile
- Detailed numeric data for those who wish to dig deeper
- Clear descriptions of all dimensions to support ongoing learning and reflections
- Extensive action planning guides
- Learning resources and contact information
Research Base
Thoroughly researched and validated, the TLC is founded on the following leadership theories:
- Cognitive Psychology (Ellis, Burns)
- Emotional Intelligence (Goleman)
- Character Structure (Horney)
- Stages of Development (Wilbur, Kegan, Kohlberg)
- Creative Tension (Fritz, Senge, Keifer)
- Ego/Shadow (Carl Jung)
- The Enneagram
* The Leadership Circle Profile was developed and is owned by The Leadership Circle™